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AED 813 “2: Public Pedagogy of Upstander Art” Part 3

My heroes in my life are my partner Melaine, my grandmother Eleanor, my mother Deb, Barack and Michelle Obama, Keith Goodwin from band Good Old War along with John Gourley from Portugal. The Man, Beyonce, and Amy Poehler. These people have taught me my main core values such as being true to yourself, honest, generous, optimistic, brave, and humorous through knowing them, listening to them, and watching them on stage, television, and at home. These people have shaped my liberal views on human rights. My comic is proposes an issue inspired by something that I feel was always a common occurrence when I was growing up. It is easy to stand by and say nothing. It took me a long time to find my voice to respectfully disagree and actually say something in return to hateful actions at family dinners. It may not be outright violence, but the words reflect a perpetuate of prejudice growing people are meant to question and rewrite instead of excepting it as it's been told to them. I know a lot of people have family members with varying beliefs and it can make holidays tense. My comic could be paired with a series of prompts for the viewer to respond to:

- Have you ever experienced overhearing someone say or do something hateful to someone that is different from them? Where they there or not?

- Analyze the language used by the dad and explain why he might say this.

- Explain what you would do in this situation with a rationale why.

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